Letters from the President

From: Phil Jamieson, Software Partners President

447 Old Boston Road
Topsfield, MA  01983
Phone:  (978) 887-6409
Fax:  (978) 887-3680
info AT softwarepartners.com

November 27, 2000

Dear Software Partners Customer:

I want to share with you our continuing excitement about the present state and future promise of Compaq's OpenVMS.

We recently attended a VMS Ambassador gathering in Spitbrook, New Hampshire, sponsored by Compaq. Also at this meeting were several hundred high-level VMS support people from around the world. These people are responsible for ensuring that Compaq's larger customers are successful in their implementations of VMS. My good report to you today is based on their level of excitement and anticipation regarding VMS and its status within Compaq, and IT in general.

The feeling we came away with was very positive. It clearly appears as though OpenVMS is strong and growing!

My specific message to you, our valued customer, is that we continue our dedication to VMS, and our VMS product line, including TAPESYS, THRUway, THRUnet, and HIERARCHY.
  • We recently licensed one of America's most famous 'new economy' e-companies for TAPESYS and THRUway throughout their VMS operation. It is one of the largest licenses we've ever sold, and their IT center is one of the largest Alpha VMS sites in the world. And it's brand new!
  • Maintenance agreements continue to be enthusiastically renewed by our customers.
  • When we ask our customers about the future of VMS at their sites, we regularly hear that there is no end in sight. To paraphrase Mark Twain, "The reports of the demise of VMS are greatly exaggerated!"
  • A leading industry analyst at the Giga Information Group said two years ago that VMS was not a long-term viable option for large IT users. Recently, he formally recanted that statement, and now writes that OpenVMS has a great future in e-businesses.
We look forward to supporting you over the long run. If, for any reason, you feel uncomfortable with our support, please let me know personally. We will do everything possible to ensure your satisfaction.

Kind regards,

Software Partners, Inc.

Philip A. Jamieson

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